(Sep '21) Online Quantum Game Jam

Quantum physics expert in the Online Quantum Game Jam 2021. Our team developed an educational quantum game called "Heisenberg's Bicycle". The main game developer was Andy Dodson.
(Nov '20) Workshop on Möbius strips
Within the Outreach Committee at the School of Maths at UoGalway, we produced a video of a workshop of Möbius strips for the Galway Science & Technology Festival 2020 (online). I was the one delivering the workshop.
(May '21) FameLab Ireland - Galway Heat 2021
Application to FameLab Ireland 2021 in the Galway Heat 2021.
(Oct '21) Outreach article at ResearchFeatures
Outreach article "Counting Nash Equilibrium in game theory" for the website ResearchFeatures.
(14th Apr '22) Outreach talk for World Quantum Day
As main coordinator of QIreland, I organised and delivered a talk titled "Friendly introduction to quantum games" for World Quantum Day 2022.
(Apr '22) Maths Enrichment Program
Contributor with a 2-hour online lecture on Geometry aimed at senior cycle students (16-17 years old) at University of Galway (Ireland).
(Nov '21) Outreach article at RTÉ Brainstorm
Article "What has quantum computing got to do with my cybersecurity?" at RTÉ (Ireland's National Television and Radio Broadcaster) Brainstorm.
(Feb '23) Talk for Maths Soc
Outreach talk "EA PD Sports - it's in the (quantum) game" for Maths Society at UoGalway.
(Nov '22) Threesis at University of Galway
Applicant to Threesis 2022 at UoGalway with the talk "To quantum or not to quantum". It is a research communications training programme and competition. The participants must present their research in 3 minutes with 3 slides.
(Oct '22) Bright Club Ireland Galway
10-minute math-related monologue for Bright Club Ireland Galway during Maths Week.
(12th May '23) Documentary Screening and poster
For the International Day of Women in Mathematics a professor and I organised a screening of the documentary "Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani" at UoGalway and also made a poster about her.
(Apr-May '22-'23) Workshop Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe
Full development of a 1-hour workshop based on my own programmed version of the game Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe*. It is intended to illustrate some concepts of quantum physics to children between 10-12 years old. I have conducted 9 workshops in schools in Galway (Ireland).
*The game is based on a paper by Allan Goff in 2006.
Invited by QWorld to give a seminar during the QJam2024 "Making Quantum Games'' from my experience designing and developing a workshop on
Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe. The tilte of the talk is "My experience on quantum games: Design".
(Dec '23) Seminar on quantum games
(Jul '22) Outreach talk at Universitat de València
Outreach talk titled "The (quantum) game of life" at Escola d'Estiu Erasmus 2022 E3F (Summer Erasmus School) at the Physics Department at Universidad de València, in Valencia, Spain.
Victoria Sánchez Muñoz
(Sep '14-'16) Educational YouTube channel on Physics
Along with 6 friends during our degree in Physics, we founded an educational YouTube channel "Tippe Top Physics" (now known as "Gastrofísica") in Spanish. It was within the ESTIC programm 2013/2014 at Universitat de València.
I was involved in the next list of videos:
- Qué es el efecto Doppler? (What's the Doppler effect?)
- Los Accidentes de Tráfico y el Momento Lineal (Traffic accidents and Linear Momentum)
- La Física de la cocina (The Physics of the Kitchen)
- Tippe Top Physics al microscopio (Tippe Top Physics on the microscope)
- Relatividad: el Musical (Relativity: the Musical)
- ANTARES - Cazaneutrinos (ANTARES - neutrino hunter)
The main person involved in everything was the amazing Arcadi Garcia i Rius
(Feb '24) Poster and interactive board on the hat tile
For a wall at the School of Maths at UoGalway I created a small poster (also with a braille version) about the newly discovered hat tile and an interactive board made of velcro to cover it by attaching and playing with a few hat tiles.